* COVID-19 Resources: NY Project Hope Emotional Support Helpline: 1-844-863-9314
* Suicide prevention Hotline: imminent danger, please call 911. If you are in crisis and need immediate help, please call (800) 273-8255, 24/7.
BULLYING* Stop Bullying https://www.stopbullying.gov * Pacers National Bullying Prevention Center http://www.pacer.org
Suffolk County Behavioral Health Resources The current health crisis posed by COVID-19 is changing the way Behavioral Health services are being delivered. All of our providers are responding with safe, creative and remote connections to care. HELP IS AVAILABLE!!! Check out this list of resources! 86e56855-86e8-4165-9f9d-299db845af5f.pdf (constantcontact.com)
National Alliance of Mental Illness: http://www.naminys.org
Email: info@naminys.org
Call: 800- 950-6264 M-F 10am-8pm or (518) 462-2000
TEXT "NAMI" to 741741 for 24/7, confidential, free crisis counseling
Students, Parents and Teachers are encouraged to join our Mental Health & Wellness Resources Google Classroom to access social-emotional resources for all grade levels K-12 using the invite link below. Gaining access can only be done by joining with your @kpcsd.org district issued student Google Account. Invite Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTQyODkxNjA0ODY3?cjc=cspkzl6 IMPORTANT NOTE: Personal Gmail accounts outside the @kpcsd.org domain will NOT be able to join. Parents MUST use their child's Google account to join.
Social Worker
Mrs. Katie Koester, MSW
Email: koesterk@kpcsd.org
Phone: (631)269-3364
Dr. Karen DeFalco
Email: DeFalco@kpcsd.org
Social Worker
Mrs. Wendy Hartill, LMSW
Email: Hartillw@kpcsd.org
Phone: (631)269-3770
Website: https://themindfulsocialworker.org
Dr. Nicole Altstattn
Email: altstattn@kpcsd.org
Social Worker
Mrs. Lynne Landron, LMSW
Email: landronl@kpcsd.org
Phone: (631)269-3798
Website: https://rjo.kpcsd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=917280&type=u
Social Worker
Mr. Anthony Cogliano, LMSW
Email: coglianoa@kpcsd.org
Phone: (631)269-3798
Mr. Justin Schiavone
Email: schiavonej@kpcsd.org
Phone: (631)269-3372
Room #: Guidance Office
Website: https://hs.kpcsd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1083473&type=u
Social Worker
Mrs. Janine Simpson, LMSW
Email: simpsonj@kpcsd.org
Phone: (631)269-3345
Website: https://hs.kpcsd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=917501&type=u
Mr. Marc Horowitz
Email: horowitzm@kpcsd.org Website: https://fs.kpcsd.k12.ny.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=917178&type=u
Diane Alber's books, and learning toys, promote important and meaningful discussions, teach social-emotional intelligence, help explain tough topics in a fun way and activities included with the books encourage creativity.
Thank you!
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