Mrs. McQuaid is one of our very own special education teachers, here in Kings Park. She has over 25 years of experience in special education and is looking forward to working with our students in order to help him/her become successful in the adult world. Mrs. McQuaid's office is at the high school and her contact information is below. Previously, these services have been available through special education teachers, counselors, and support staff. We will continue to work as a team to help develop a post high school plan for your child.
Transition services for students in special education are specifically designed to assist students with disabilities in transitioning from the school system into the adult world; whether it be to continue education or find employment. This process includes:
● instruction
● community learning experiences
● support services
Transition components are built into a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) for special education. It is a process which requires planning for your teen's future. All youth with disabilities, aged 15-21, must have transition components in their IEP.
There are many services available to your child, I am here to help you as well as your child access these services. I know this next step can seem overwhelming, but I am here to help make the process easier for you and your child.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. My door is always open. I look forward to working with you and your child to ensure a successful transition into the adult world.
My website is available with information regarding transition services. Please bookmark it as I will update it frequently with new information and events.
-Transition & Youth Services
-Vocational Rehabilitation Services
-Business Services
-Independent Living Centers
Mentoring & Stewardship Programs
If you have a child who has special needs in NY and is turning 18, you will be required to file a formal Article 17A Guardianship in Surrogate’s Court in order to have a court order and legal authority making you the legal NY guardian of that child so that you can make medical and/or financial decisions for that child who is no longer a minor.
* Guardianship of a Developmentally Disabled Person | NY CourtHelp (
A special needs trust, also known in some jurisdictions as a supplemental needs trust, is a specialized trust that allows the disabled beneficiary to enjoy the use of property that is held in the trust for his or her benefit, while at the same time allowing the beneficiary to receive essential needs-based government benefits. A Special Needs Trust is a specific type of irrevocable trust that exists under Common Law. Several Common Law nations have established specific statutes relative to the creation and use of Special Needs Trusts, and where they exist a Special Needs Trust will not be valid unless it comports with the requirements listed in the statute. The applicable Federal statute in the United States is found at Title 42 United States Code Section 1396p(d)(4)(A). Several States have established their own statutes.
The Winters Center for Autism is committed to enhancing the quality of life for adults with autism through job creation, training and placement while helping businesses to develop and implement programs to employ people with autism.
John Cronin and his Dad, Mark X. Cronin built a multimillion dollar, internationally re-known business called "John's Crazy Socks." Oh, and John happens to have down syndrome. Socks that make a difference! They create colorful crazy socks and face masks. Also, hire people with differing abilities and donate 5% of earnings to the Special Olympics. A proud family on a mission to spread happiness.
A company designed to help individuals with autism, and their families, navigate the college application process, find the right support program, and to provide necessary assistance during this life transition. We also offer a variety of additional services for degree seeking adult and individuals who need assistance with the transition to independent living.
THE DEADLINE FOR THIS HAS PASTED BUT WILL BE UPDATED ASAP....This scholarship will be awarded to promising high school seniors with disabilities who plan to attend a vocational or academic college and target a career in the technology industry. The scholarships are renewable- each winner who continues to meet the criteria is eligible to
THE DEADLINE FOR THIS HAS PASTED BUT WILL BE UPDATED ASAP....This scholarship will be awarded to promising high school seniors with disabilities who plan to attend a vocational or academic college and target a career in the technology industry. The scholarships are renewable- each winner who continues to meet the criteria is eligible to receive an annual award of $5,000 for up to four (4) consecutive years for a potential total $20,000 scholarship
BY MARCH 1, 2021*
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